Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Small and Simple

I've had a hard time getting my thoughts and words to come together. I've tried to write this post over and over. I want so badly to express my desire to have this blog can be successful. And my hope for it to be a success is not for myself to become popular or recognized. It is for love to become popular and recognized. I can't begin to tell you how important it is to me that we start living lives filled with love.

When there is love than we really don't have to stress the other things. Kindness, happiness, respect, and compassion are all part of the package. Can you imagine how amazing it would be??? We can all make a difference. It doesn't have to be huge gestures. The simplest act of kindness can do more than you realize.

Let me tell you about an experience I had last July. I attended an event called Bright night Event. It is such an amazing day retreat for women! I went after winning 2 tickets for myself and a dear friend of mine. I was so nervous to go and the closer it got the more nervous I became. I felt as if I would just be totally out of place. Almost all the women that would be there were crazy talented successful bloggers and business owners. I couldn't help but feel so lacking when I compared myself to the kind of women that would be there. The day of bright night I was so nervous. It was like I reverted back to my Jr high self, "Will they like me? Will I fit in? What if my clothes aren't cool enough? Will I make any friends?" Seriously! It was so lame. I have battled low self confidence for years and had recently been working extra hard on improving my self esteem. But it was like all the work I had done went down the toilet!!! So I did what I always do when I begin to feel overwhelmed and know my self esteem is slipping... I prayed. I prayed that I would be able to be myself. I prayed that I wouldn't worry about what others thought of me. I prayed that I would be able to forget all those side effects or being self conscious and be outgoing and have fun. So when I got there I just let myself be me... Goofy, silly, excited, dorky me. And guess what? I was OK! I was having fun! I was able to be outgoing and talk to and get to know so many amazing women! Women that have truly become dear dear friends! One experience later at the dance (yes they have a rad kiss butt dance) I ended up being alone because my friend I had come with had to leave. I almost left as well but decided I needed to not just skip out because my friend had left. So I did something that I never do... I saw a group of gals that I had talked to a little earlier that day and I approached their group. I said hi and asked them if they wanted to be in the slow mo video (seriously so fun) with me! I just said that my friend had to leave and I really wanted to do the slow mo cause it looked fun and asked if they wanted to be in it with me. I seriously felt sick because I felt like such a dork. But they were so sweet and they of course said yeah! But after that they didn't just leave me alone. They talked to me. They asked me about myself and what I did and about my family. We laughed and danced and I felt so comfortable with myself around them. I remember thinking "Wow! They like the real me." It was a huge turning point in my journey. I felt more confident as myself... Not pretend myself... My actual self. These amazingly talented, creative, successful ambitious women liked me for me. I started seeing myself differently after that night.  I am so thankful to those women for being kind and loving to a stranger. I'm sure they had no idea that their actions and contagious positive spirits would have such an affect on me. Their small and simple acts were not so small and simple to me. I am so thankful for them.

Small and simple things... Little acts of kindness and love can and will make a difference. I'm living proof. It didn't just make me feel better about myself and end with that. Because I felt better about myself I was able to love and accept me for who I really am. And that lead to me believing in my abilities. Which lead to me actually making goals and going after what I have been wanting to do for so long. I have felt for a long time that I could and Gould blog about the things I have learned in life and my loves. After so long I finally felt like I could do! Why not? Why not me??? I'm reaching and achieving so many goals and all because a few ladies I barely knew showed my kindness and love through such small and simple ways.

We can't be greedy with love. It's not meant to be kept. It's meant to be given. If you feel like no one could love you then do this... Love someone else! Say hi to the person in the grocery store line. Help someone in need. Smile. Get to know the other moms at the park. Don't worry about what they will think. Maybe your small and simple act will be just what that person needed. 

If we all can learn to love life, love & accept ourselves and have the courage to let others in... I can't even image how great that would be! And I'm sure I sound cheesy but I can't help it. I believe every deeply that it's possible. And I'm going to do my part to make it happen with small and simple acts of kindness. Will you join me?


1 comment:

  1. Katie, thank you so much for sharing this! It is such a blessing to hear stories in which you play a small role in but never see things through someone else's life. It was so easy to be your friend. You have a contagious energy about you and you do need to let others experience it!! I'm so happy to have met and know we will do more things together in the future. I have lots of things in the works for Moms Living Happy and I will be excited to share them with you;)
