Thursday, September 25, 2014

Every Life Matters Q&A - Natashia McLean

Oh my goodness! I am so excited!!! I wish I had a way to let you all understand how excited I am! The first Every Life Matters Q&A! WOOHOO! The first of many amazing people to be involved in the E.L.M. Q&A is Natasia McLean from one of my favorite blogs, The Mumsy Blog. I can't wait for you to read Natashia's Q&A. But first I wanted to tell you how I met this gloriously awesome human being.... 

Natashia and I met at Bright Night Event last July. She was so stylish and had this spirit about her that seriously made me feel so comfortable and accepted. After a night of dancing our socks off at the dance party I knew I had to keep in touch with her. She is a breath of fresh air! And not to mention super creative and genuine in every way! She's become such a dear friend in such a short amount of time. I just had to share her with you all. So without further ado... Natashia!

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself.

I was born in So Cal and grew up in Las Vegas. I am the oldest of four and me and my siblings are close. I met my husband while going to UNLV while he was selling pest control in Las Vegas. We got married a year later and moved to Provo, UT where he was going to school. We have been married eight years now. We have three boys and a baby girl. I'm crazy and like to do almost anything. I like to hike, draw, cook, read, shop, decorate, play card games, write, and be with my kids. I am currently a stay-at-home mommy. But, on the side I teach fitness classes and write and help run The Mumsy Blog.

Q: What/who matters to you?

Family is definitely first. Afterward helping others is important to me as well as education. I like to learn something new every day. Health is very important to me. I have anxiety and also know that I am heavily affected by the foods I eat. So it's very important to me to be careful about what and when I eat. Being a fitness instructor naturally makes me a lover of health too. I strive to eat healthy, exercise, and get a good amount of sleep.

Q: What is something that you do for yourself each day that matters to you & makes you happy?

I make sure to be selfish a little each day.

Q: Why do you think it is important for you to do that?

I can soak in a tub, go shopping, draw, or just take a step outside. But I make sure to do something that I like and is for me. Being a mother is a selfless calling. You wake up, get kids dressed and change diapers. You feed them throughout the day and make sure they are safe and content. Your concerns until sun-down are your child or children. And even after sun-down your still on mommy duty with sick kids, babies who party at three am, and some kids, like my son, who have bouts of insomnia. So I make sure to be a little selfish sometimes. I buy a candy bar at the store just for me. I eat it when the kids aren't looking of course, cause that would just create a whole other problem. But, I try to make sure I give myself little rewards. Because in motherhood no one is giving you raises or trophies. You have to praise yourself and make sure to have moments for yourself, whatever way that is.

Q: Tell us about a time in your life when someone made you feel like you mattered.

I have been really grateful for my family, friends, and the social media community. Those people who support our blog really have been so kind to follow and comment on the work I do. When I sit down and write (like right now) I put pieces of myself into the writing. I share my life and trials and sometimes advice. And when I get positive feedback it definitely makes me feel needed. Every time I get a positive comment or response I think, "Yeah, I helped someone." Or I think, "Yeah! I'm not alone." So thank you for asking me to write this guest post, it definitely makes me feel like I matter. 

Q: As a mother how do you show your children that they matter to you?

It's all about quality time for me. I make a point to stop what I am doing when my kids talk to me. I  look them in the eye. I try to hug them often. I rub their backs. I also make time every day with them. And I say that I make time because as a blogger with numerous other hobbies, I have to make time. So I pick hours each day to do nothing but play with the kids. I try to put down my phone and engage in an activity with them. Occasionally we get treats or prizes. I try to make them feel like I love them and they are special to me, because they are.

Q: How do they show you that you matter to them?

 My kids are really sweet most of the time. They say they love me often. And they even say I'm the best mom. Yeah, I'm not going to lie. That makes me feel pretty awesome. They draw me pictures and love to snuggle with me.

Q: If you could give one message to those reading this what would it be?

This is a tuff one. There's so much to say. But if I had to pick one thing, I would say keep trying, you're doing your best, we are all imperfect. Whatever you have as goals in life, keep trying. If you want to be a better mom, keep trying. If you feel like you have messed up, keep trying. There's always another day. And today you did your best. It my not be perfect, but it is done and we can try again. There's usually a way to reconcile issues. Life can be better. We are all imperfect and make mistakes. We all fall short. Never compare yourself to others, this is poison. Be who you are, and if you want to be a better version of yourself, keep trying. You are in control of your own destiny and each day.

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