Sunday, September 7, 2014

Be cool.

I found myself worrying the other day about how "cool" my son would be when he grows up. I know... I know... It sounds terrible! But there is a reason that will totally make sense. As a mom I worry about my kids. And one of the those worries is how my kids will be treated throughout their childhood and teenage years. Of course I think my Coopster is as "cool" as they come! He's got an awesome sense of humor, he's quick witted, has the biggest heart and can really bust a move!!! Seriously... this kids dancing skills are top notch! I see how amazing he is and I don't want him to change. But all kids want to be liked and accepted. And with that need to be accepted by their peers usually comes a change of who they are to fit in.

Why do we have to be the same to "fit" in with one another? Why is "cool"a certain type of person... The jock, cheerleader, fashionable dresser,,, Why are they the "cool" kids? I want me kids to be them. I want them to be comfortable in their own skin. And I want them to know what "cool" really is. If they can be confident enough and genuine to be their true self than I will be one happy mama!

So this is why I worry about how "cool" my son will be. Will he be what society dubs as "cool"? Am I doing enough to give him what he needs to be confident and comfortable with who he is? When the time comes when society tries to tell him he won't fit in unless he wears a certain brand or play a certain sport will he be able to look that lie in the face and stay true to himself? I hope I am. Because the world needs more genuinely awesome kids like him around.


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