Friday, September 5, 2014

Dotson + Love

Welcome to Dotson Love. I'm Katie. First things first... I am not a writer. I will make grammar and punctuation mistakes. When I do write I usually write what is going through my mind and I have to just type and try to keep up. So... Sorry for the mistakes I will make. So... with that being said I would love to introduce myself. I'm Katie. I have been feeling like I should start a blog for some time now but just never did. Recently I have been going through some much needed changes and I feel that by sharing them I can help myself and others. I hope that by sharing the things I love and what I am passionate about I will be able to help spread the love.

What do I love? Just to name a few off the top of my head...

My family. Life. Music. A good dance party. Hugs. Kindness. People. Confidence. Corny Jokes. Good food. Flowers. Love stories. Inspirational quotes. Instagram. Photos. Cupcakes.

What am I passionate about?

I want to do all I can to spread the message that EVERY•LIFE•MATTERS! It doesn't matter who you are, where you live, what job you have, how much money you make, what social status you have been placed in, how you dress, what you believe or how old you are. We all matter. Our worth is the same. We all deserve kindness & respect. I have lived most of my life with self doubt and low self confidence. But recently I have been able to really work hard on changing that. I have gotten to know myself and take better care of myself and as a result I am much more confident and happy with who I am. I want everyone to be happy, confident and excited with who they are. How cool would that be! 

Thank you for checking my blog out. Keep in touch! I have some great posts and interviews coming. And remember that life is too awesome to waste on worry and doubt.

Loves XOXO


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