Friday, September 5, 2014

My pledge

I grew up in a beautiful small town in southern Utah. I had one of the most amazing childhoods. My memories are filled with tons of adventures, outdoors, laughter, family & friends. I loved it.
There were many many moments and people in my life that were positive roles in who I am now. But there were those that were not so positive. And I don't like to dwell on the negative, but one of my goals with this blog is to help us all understand that what we do and say can have an effect, positive or negative, on so many. So I am writing about the negative to help understand how deeply it can effect us, especially children.

When I was little I learned something very quick. Girls can be mean! And if you aren't a mean girl than you are the one that the mean girls are being mean to. It's so not cool. I had this one girl who was just mean and unkind to me for years. There were other boys and girls off and on throughout my life that gave me a hard time, but this one girl really did some damage. I'm sure she had no idea how badly her actions and comments were effecting me. And I'm sure she has zero idea now that I have had self doubt and all that junk because of things that happened years and years ago. I'm not saying that she is the entire reason for my problems with low self esteem and all that. But I have thought about it and can't help but wonder how different my life would have been had I not had that person poking at my low self confidence for years. Would I have been able to believe in myself more? Have more self esteem to do those things I dreamed about? One of my dreams when I was younger was to sing. I loved singing! I still do! But along with my stage fright I was always so worried about others thinking that I thought I was so good and than being made fun of & teased. So I didn't do much to chase that dream or better my skills as a singer. Would I have done something with my love for music? I know I would have played the piano. I have this memory of this girl and her friend teasing me about how bad I was at the piano. I hadn't been playing for long and she went to the same teacher. After that I talked my mom into letting me quit piano cause I felt so stupid. I was just a little girl and couldn't handle being told by my classmates that I wasn't any good. And I believed her! I really wish I hadn't quit.

Ok... You might be thinking that I am being a cry baby and need to just let it go! (I totally sang that in my head BTW) And I totally agree with you! I do! And I've been working on it. It doesn't really effect my life negatively now.  I am over it. It does effect my life though. I want to share these memories and feelings because I want us all to understand how important it is to do all we can as parents to raise our children to be kind and caring to everyone! Can you imagine how amazing it would be if our children all cared for and were kind to one another?

So what can we do?!?! As a mama to my 7 yr old boy & 14 month old girly I have really tried to be more kindly in my actions. We teach by example! I know I haven't always been the best and I'm sure I've talked about someone or something unkindly in front of my kids. But I am pledging right here and right now to start raising my kids to know kindness and how important it is by being an example through the way I live my life. I will not judge, talk down, make fun or talk cruel to or about anyone in front of my children! I won't do it even without them around! I will do all I can to teach them that EVERY LIFE MATTERS! How about you? Will you join me in a pledge to teach our children to be kind be our examples?

It's possible to change things. All it takes is action. And we are capable of changing how unkind & cruel our world has become.


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