Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Last week was a busy one. We went home for Thanksgiving and family time. It was great! For Thanksgiving we spent it out at Uncle Tom's cabin. Seriously... It's my Uncle Tom and Aunt Kay's cabin. I have loved going out there growing up and now I love being able to take my kids. Cooper had to be with his dad this Thanksgiving though so being out there without him was hard. He loves it there. But it was great to spend a couple days with my family. I love them so much.

The day after Thanksgiving we were so blessed to get to have Cooper baptized with his cousin Mason. Those two have been buds since birth and for them to be able to share this special step in life was great. Cooper was baptized in the same baptismal font I was baptized in oh so many years ago. It was so amazing and I am so proud of him. He has grown up to be such a special boy. Before he was baptized we made sure to spend time these last couple months to really talk to him about the purpose of baptism and how important this decision is. We read scriptures, watched videos, and talked a lot about what it means to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We talked to him about the gift of the Holy Ghost and our promise we make when we are baptized. We asked him questions and let him ask us questions. And as it grew closer to his baptism day I truly felt a peaceful feeling that told me that Cooper was ready and knew what he was doing. I can't wait to watch him grow and be a part of his growth in the gospel.

So after Thanksgiving on Thursday and Cooper's baptism on Friday I am more thankful than ever before for the life I have chosen to live with the people I love and in the state I love! And I am so very thankful that each and every day I am given little (and sometimes big) reminders of what life is really about and what matters most in life.

Here are a few of those reminders I received last week...

Sunrise Thanksgiving morning. This is my favorite time of day at one of my favorite spots on earth.

A little snuggle time with daddy.

She discovered a little patch of snow and was so curious. She hasn't really played in snow yet since she was so tiny last winter.

She loved exploring and running around. 

This is one of my favorite photos ever. She sat there and played with a couple sticks, a rock and the grass for so long. This my friends is childhood unplugged!

One of the photos Dustin took while they were fishing in the creek. I have tubed and played in this creek many times and I need to take Coop tubing next summer!

Love these two so much. I just wish Cooper could have been there too. 

The sunset Thanksgiving day was beyond beautiful! I seriously went all the way around and filled the sky with the most amazing colors! My family has a love for the clouds and sky so we were all out taking photos and enjoying this beauty.

SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! The skies in Utah are so amazing!

Me and my girl enjoying the sunset.
And aren't Miss Molly's piggies so adorable!

Cooper and his cousin Mason. Cousins are the very best!

Our little family after Cooper's baptism. I am so blessed to call them mine.


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