Friday, November 21, 2014

To Do List- Be Organized.

I am not an organized person. But I would like to be! But I just have such a hard time with it. When I turned 32 last month I decided I would do things that I was afraid of... I would conquer my fears!!! Well... I haven't done so great with that. And although my lack of organization isn't a "fear" per say, my fear is that I am not good enough at being a housewife/homemaker. I have fallen back on the excuse that I am just not that kind of person. But I think it's time to be honest with myself and admit that I need to be better with organizing my day to day life.

Now I want to clarify... I am not talking about a sparkling clean house and a step by step meal plan and a cute basket for a certain item. that goes in it's own little spot. My home will never be "magazine" worthy because we live in our home. And I don't know how anyone keeps a place completely de-cluttered. What I am talking about is organizing my life better so that the things that are most important get done and I don't lose or forget. I am pretty sure I have ADD because I get SO distracted and instead of just getting something done I get a bunch of things started... and never finished! You should see my bedroom! I decided to go through our clothes and hey are still all over waiting to be put away. It's not good... If I have to get something done then I have to make a list and make sure it is where I will for sure see it or chances are it will slip through the cracks of all the craziness!

Another problem I have is that I procrastinate! I put things off or forget about them until it is too late or I am running around like a crazy person trying to get it done at the last minute. Time is a gift and it needs to be used the best way possible. Sometimes I know I'm using my time wisely. But I am afraid that I'm more often than not just wasting it. And I can't help but wonder what I could accomplish if I was more efficient with my days... Learn to sew... Workout... Do my hair in more than a pony tail... Write a book... Learn a dance on YouTube... Grow my own business... Save the world...

So.. Here's my reason for this post. I NEED YOUR HELP!!! What do you do to keep organized? What are your tips and tricks to keep the things that matter and need to be done at the top of your list? And if you are needing help like I am what do you feel are your problem areas? I know I'm not alone in this!

I found this video on Facebook and had to share because sadly... it is so me. Except it love to read to the kidlets and I do laundry everyday... I just don't ever get around to folding it and putting it away.

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