Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My thoughts at 3:30 AM

It's the middle of the night. Miss Molly June has been crying for the last couple hours. I just want to sleep. My husband is snoring away like there isn't a 14 month old feisty baby screaming. And I have so much on my mind to get done when the sun comes up in a few hours. 

Some might look at my simple yet crazy life and feel bad for me. They wouldn't get why I'm so happy. Some might look at my life and be envious of all I have. Some might look at my life and see their life. They may be grateful for it or they might not. Some might look at my life and see so many wonderful blessings. Some might look at my life and see no accomplishments and wonder what I did with my time. But I know what my accomplishments are.

It doesn't matter what others think or see. What matters is what I think and see. And I see a life filled with family, love, faith, triumphs, happiness, progress, friends, dreams, and hope.  I know my life isn't glamorous. Most days I am busy with my home and family. I'm not hugely popular in social circles. But instead I hang out with my husband and littles almost every night. My bank account isn't filled with lots of money. But I can pay my bills and take care of my family. I don't own a big new house. But I have a place to call home and keep my family safe and protected. I haven't traveled the world. But I have grown up in one of the biggest tourist attractions and met people from around the world. I may not be perfect. But I have a perfect life.

As I lay here waiting to see if my baby will start crying again or if she has finally fallen asleep I can't help but be so grateful for the life I have been blessed with and the people in it. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (AKA Mormons) and a christian, I can't not express my gratitude to my Savior for giving me the chance to have this beautiful life. And for giving me the chance to one day have it for eternity. 

Life is beautiful. Love is the source of all things good and wonderful. Who needs riches and social status to be successful? Not me! I'm a success. I'm living a life filled with love. No amounts of money could top that.

Well it looks like it's time for me to get to sleep. Molly girl is sleeping herself. Maybe I'll get a couple hours if sleep before it's time to get up and get Cooper boy ready for school. Nighty night.


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